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Medication Management For Seniors: What You Need To Know

You may not be aware of the importance of medication management for senior citizens. The risk is too high of seniors misusing their medications, or otherwise not taking them as instructed. Learn how to manage your elderly loved one's meds in this article!

What is medication management?

As we age, our bodies change and can no longer process medications the way they once did. Medication management is important for seniors to maintain their health and well-being.

There are many factors to consider when it comes to managing medications for seniors. The first step is to understand how aging affects the body’s ability to process medications. As we age, our kidneys and liver function decline, which can cause medications to build up in our system and become toxic. Additionally, seniors are often taking multiple medications for various conditions, which can interact with each other and cause serious side effects.

It’s important for seniors to be aware of these potential risks and work with their healthcare team to create a plan for managing their medications. This may include dividing up doses throughout the day, choosing certain times of day to take certain medications, or avoiding certain foods or activities that could interact with the medication.

Additionally, seniors should make sure they are taking their medications as prescribed and keeping track of when they need refills. They should also have a list of all their medications handy in case of an emergency.

Medication management is an important part of staying healthy as we age. By working with our healthcare team and

Why is it important to manage their medications?

When it comes to
medication management for seniors, there are a few things that you need to know. First and foremost, it is incredibly important for seniors to manage their medications. This is because seniors are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions that require medication. Additionally, seniors are also more likely to be taking multiple medications, which can increase the risk of drug interactions and other side effects.

That being said, proper medication management is essential for seniors in order to keep them healthy and safe. Here are a few tips on how to best manage medications for seniors:

- Make sure to keep track of all the different medications that your senior is taking. This includes over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, vitamins, supplements, etc. It's helpful to create a list or spreadsheet where you can track all of this information.

- Keep an eye out for any potential drug interactions. This is especially important if your senior is taking multiple medications. Be sure to talk to their doctor or pharmacist about any potential interactions.

- Make sure your senior takes their medications as prescribed by their doctor. This includes the correct dosage and frequency. Seniors may sometimes forget to take their medications or take them less often than prescribed due.

Signs of medication mismanagement

Signs of medication mismanagement can include taking too much or too little medication, skipping doses, not taking medications at the right time, or not following the directions on the label. If you think your loved one may be mismanaging their medications, talk to their doctor or pharmacist. They can help you figure out what’s going on and develop a plan to get things back on track.

If you’ve been looking for
professional medication management services, get in touch with our team today!

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